
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Iran: Obama Has Surrendered

It's vital for Americans to realize that Obama has already surrendered the defense of the civilized world. We know that, because the critical window of opportunity to prevent Iranian nukes has been closing, closing, closing. The risk of preventive action is getting greater by the day, which means that the optimal time for intervention is now fading as the Iranians continue to disperse and fortify their nuclear industry. Every honest military adviser must have explained this to the White House, echoed by the Saudis, the Gulf States, the Israelis, the Turks, Afghans, Middle Eastern Christians, and yes, European atheists.

Charles Krauthammer just wrote:

Iran is tripling its uranium output, moving enrichment facilities deep under a mountain near Qom and impeding IAEA inspections of weaponization facilities.

So what is Obama's real objective? 'We're trying to make the decision to attack as hard as possible for Israel,' an administration official told the Washington Post in the most revealing White House admission since 'leading from behind.'

10 Surprising Side Effects of Long-term Unemployment

The economic downturn has left few families unscathed and, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 43% of those out of work are facing unemployment lasting 6 months or more. Whether it’s lack of appropriate college education, not enough jobs in the area, or even illegal discriminatory factors like age playing a role, these individuals simply can’t find work, even after months of searching. While the financial realities of spending months, or even years, without a job can be a big enough hurdle, there are also some serious health, career, and social ramifications of long-term unemployment. Read on to learn how long-term unemployment could have unexpected side effects, some of which may last well into the next decade and beyond.

1. Lower salaries for a lifetime

Being out of work doesn’t just mean lost wages for those months of unemployment. For many, it may also mean a major career setback that lowers income rates and success for many years to come. Those who are laid off or fired often get back into the workforce at a much lower salary, and many are forced to take jobs that are below their skill and experience levels or not in their field of study at all, which can be a major career setback. On average, an unemployment spell will reduce wages about 3.4%, though in some cases it can be much more. For young people who can’t find work after graduation, the lack of available jobs can set the stage for a lifetime of lost earnings. How much? Studies have shown that those graduating into a bad job market will make about $100,000 less over a lifetime, and that doesn’t count the months of unemployment or underemployment that many will face.